Thursday, January 22, 2009

Behind The Scenes of “We Are One,” DC: Day #2


The day started out slow. John had told us the night before not to be surprised if this was a “getting situated day,” a.k.a don’t be disappointed if you don’t get the “big” interviews. So our hopes weren’t high as Christian, Marandah and I set off for the Lincoln Memorial. Marandah's grandfather is the technical director of the “We are One” concert. He was our connection and had set up an interview with George Stevens Jr., the director of the show.

 We met Jacob and Sarah at the Starbucks near the Foggy Bottom station. Together we walked to the Lincoln Memorial, about 9 blocks, and started some interviews. It was a perfect spot for short interviews because we had the Memorial behind us and the Reflecting Pool connecting us to the Washington Monument in front of us. It was gorgeous and wasn’t long before it was time to go meet up with Marandah’s grandfather.

John Fields led us into his workspace and showed us his main job. He is the person who when the director calls the different camera shots, actually presses the buttons to make it happen. In the tight, little room we had the opportunity to see John Mellencamp play live on the stage only a few hundred feet away. We would have gone outside, but do to the 23-degree weather, we were slightly hesitant. John was super sweet and after we did out interview with his boss, Mr. Stevens, he got us each passes to the press lunch. The interview went well and the lunch was great.

As the day went by I actually got to see Christian and Marandah get their questions down. After the first 5 interviews they were confident, and present with the interviewee. As we finished lunch and some were taking a pee break Jacob and I heard Bruce Springsteen practicing in the tent next to us. With that we had our cameras out and were ready for when he came out to practice on the actual stage. He have us a quick “yes we can” and then he was off. We tried to get another one from Pete Seeger, but to no avail. The 7th graders weren’t as excited about Pete, due to the fact that before we told them they had no idea who he was. Me being a huge fan, I was disappointed but just being in a10 feet proximity of him, made my day.

First Springsteen did a song, which we had front row seats to, and then Seeger came and joined him. Together the played on of my all time favorite songs, this land is your land. It was so beautiful; there is no other way to describe it. I could have left then, I was so full of joy and fulfillment.

We spent 30 or so minutes back in the trailer with Mr. Field and came out just before U2 was going to play. WE sat down in the 3rd row along with most of the other staff for the event, but as soon as the music stated we had to go to the front of the stage and dance. It was so moving to be so close to such a legend. Being that the big speakers were the front of the stage, the music was loud! There really was no fighting it; you had to move your body. In between song the 3 of us yelled up to Bono “yes we can.” He smiled big and yelled into the mike “yes we could.” It was amazing. It just shows what an effect Obama has on people. It was very inspiring.

We ran down hoping to get one more yes we can out of Bono as he left the stage. But in Teen Press fashion the camera died just as he came down the ramp. Bono recognized us as the kids who had yelled at him and came over to us, despite what the press manger had told him. He gave Marandah and Christian a big hug and posed forth camera. Luckily Lisa, Marandah’s mom got a great picture of the three of them. So that day Christian went form not having a clue who the “bono guy” was to seeing him live, and getting a hug. It was so great, and Marandah was speechless for about 2 minutes afterwards.

We said our thanks you’s and goodbyes and headed back to the church completely amazed with what had just happened. I honestly cannot think of anyone bigger in the music industry that I would like to interview. Again I am reminded of just how lucky we are. A metro ticket and a cab ride away the church awaited with steamy pasta waiting inside. I still can’t believe that we interviewed Pete Seeger, Bruce Springsteen, and Bono today!

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